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Tutorial: How to Get Started with Bidencash CC

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Discover the benefits of Bidencash CC. It’s a top spot for quality credit card info and services. Since its start in April 2022, Bidencash CC has become well-known for what it offers. Now, it’s also selling SSH services starting at just USD 2. These services allow threat actors to use server power for cyber attacks.

Key Takeaways

  • Bidencash CC is a carding marketplace that offers a wide range of credit card information and services.
  • The marketplace has recently expanded into selling SSH access, providing threat actors with powerful resources to conduct malicious activities.
  • The availability of large datasets of compromised payment card records on Bidencash CC poses a significant risk to both businesses and consumers.
  • Cybercriminals can purchase credit cards from Bidencash CC for as little as $0.15, making it a lucrative platform for criminal activities.
  • The marketplace’s commission structure and ongoing validity checks on new sales suggest a well-organized and profitable operation.

Introduction to Bidencash CC

Bidencash CC started in April 2022 and quickly became known for selling stolen credit card information. This includes PII, SSNs, and CVV codes. It has a big database full of this information. Many cybercriminals go there to take advantage of people and businesses.

What is Bidencash CC?

Bidencash CC sells stolen credit card details online. It’s found in the dark web. It caters to people in the carding world.

Features of Bidencash CC

Bidencash CC has a lot to offer. It’s easy to use with a lot of card options and bidencash dark web items. You can find a Bidencash cc shop, bidencash trusted cc shop, and a bidencash website there. This is where you can look at and buy bidencash credit card numbers and more.

In recent months, Bidencash CC has seen more and more visitors. In February 2023, it had its highest number of visitors after 2 million credit card details were released. This shows a big demand among cybercriminals for what Bidencash CC offers.

Bidencash CC: The Infamous Carding Marketplace

Bidencash CC is a well-known carding site. It’s famous for having a lot of stolen credit card details. A big leak happened in October 2022. It released 1.2 million credit cards. These cards had personal info, social security numbers, and more.

Leaked Credit Card Information

The Bidencash CC site is often used to share illegal credit card numbers. Not long ago, it gave out 2 million numbers for free. This made it one of the biggest recent leaks. Most of these cards will not work in the coming year, which could reduce fraud.

Rapid Growth and Rising Popularity

After a big cybercriminal site was closed, places like Bidencash CC started to grow. They began leaking more data to get more customers. In February 2023, they released 2 million new credit card details. This brought a lot more visitors to their site.

The Bidencash CC site is doing very big things now. In a leak, they showed over 2 million credit and debit cards. This is a lot more than other sites have leaked recently. It shows they are a major player now.

With so many stolen cards on Bidencash CC, both businesses and regular people are at risk. Criminals can use this information for all sorts of bad deeds. This includes stealing identities and making fake purchases.

Bidencash CC’s New Venture: Selling SSH Access

Bidencash CC, known for its credit card info sales, now sells SSH access too. Their SSH access hub offers many helpful features for buyers.

Key Features of SSH Access Offering

The SSH access at Bidencash CC comes with different server setups and locations. Buyers can find the best server for their needs, like for cyber attacks or data theft. They present server details clearly, including the OS, open ports, and data flow limits.

Commission Structure for Sellers

Sellers of SSH access on Bidencash CC work on a commission model. They price their servers, usually from $2 to $10 each. The site takes a cut of these sales, which encourages more servers to be added.

bidencash cc ssh

With many SSH servers available, plus a good deal for sellers, Bidencash CC’s SSH area is growing fast. But, it also means more risk, as cybercriminals can get strong servers for bad deeds.

Analyzing Bidencash CC’s SSH Inventory and Potential Earnings

The Bidencash CC marketplace has started a new venture – it’s now selling SSH access. In the last five days, they’ve put up over 850 servers for sale. These servers come with different setups and are located all around the world.

SSH Server Listings and Pricing

The server prices vary from as low as $2 to as high as $10. Buyers can choose from cheaper servers with older CPUs to more expensive ones with the latest technology. This range gives people a lot of options.

Potential Revenue Projections

With so many servers at different prices, Bidencash CC could make a lot of money. Let’s say each server sells on average for $4. If 30% of them are bought, the marketplace could earn up to $102,000 in five days.

Metric Value
Total SSH Servers Listed 850
Average Price per Server $4
Estimated Sell-through Rate 30%
Potential Revenue over 5 Days $102,000

This income shows how the cybercrime world is growing and profitable. But, selling these strong servers cheaply is risky. Bad actors could use them for harmful things, like stealing data or making websites crash.

bidencash ssh


The rise of Bidencash CC in cybercrime is alarming. It has a big store of stolen credit card info. Plus, it recently started selling access to servers.

These servers let bad actors do many dangerous things. This includes stealing data, attacking with ransomware, and causing big online disruptions.

It’s sold over 2.1 million credit and debit card details. This data leak includes names, emails, phone numbers, and more. This info puts people at risk of fraud and identity theft.

As Bidencash CC grows, everyone must be careful. This means regular folks, companies, and cybersecurity experts. Staying alert and working together is key to fighting these online threats.


What is Bidencash CC?

Launched in April 2022, Bidencash CC is a carding marketplace that sells leaked credit card details. This includes personal info like names and SSNs. It’s known for its wide range of card information.

What kind of services does Bidencash CC offer?

Besides selling card info, Bidencash CC has started offering SSH access. This new service aims to provide buyers with efficient and secure server access.

How has Bidencash CC’s SSH access offering impacted the cybercrime landscape?

The SSH access service on Bidencash CC has made powerful servers available at affordable prices. This has increased the risk of cybercrimes such as data theft, ransomware, and DDoS attacks.

What kind of credit card information is available on Bidencash CC?

You can find a lot of credit card info on Bidencash CC. This includes personal details, SSNs, card numbers, and CVVs.

How has Bidencash CC’s popularity grown since its launch?

Since April 2022, Bidencash CC has become a well-known place for buying credit card details. By October 2022, it already had a database with 1.2 million cards.

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